Working with Jekyll lessons


Some of the steps below needs to be run by someone with write access to the carpentries-i18n organisation.

Prepare the lesson

To prepare a jekyll-based lesson for translation we need few steps:

  1. Fork the repository under the carpentries-i18n organisation.

  2. Set-it up to use the Jekyll-theme (i.e., remove everything that's not lesson content).

  3. Create it as a submodule within the i18n repository.

  4. Generate the po files using po4gitbook software.

  5. Since po4gitbook generates the whole lesson as a single file, break it into episodes with

  6. Create the project on Transifex and push the source files.

The first three steps can be done automatically using from i18n. You'll need to create an access token on GitHub first.

$ cd i18n
i18n (git)-[master]$ export gh_access_token=xxxxxxxx
i18n (git)-[master]$ python helpers/ swcarpentry/python-novice-gapminder
i18n (git)-[python-novice-gapminder]$

That command:

  1. forks the repository,

  2. fixes any recognised formatting issues that will affect the conversion to PO (e.g., commit 52cacd8),

  3. removes everything that's provided by the theme (e.g., commit 682a376), and

  4. updates _config.yml so it accepts multiple languages (e.g., commit f4e6e3b).

  5. Then adds the forked repo as a submodule to i18n repository in a branch with the lessons name.

The output of the above command gives you the link of the forked repository so the result can be checked manually with a list of the following steps that are to be done manually.

The first of these steps is to run po4gitbook to update/generate the po files.


If the command gets stuck for more than a couple of seconds that's due to some formatting issues as the once fixed on the second step above.


The goes through all the md files, finds whether there's been an update on the sources and propagates to new files, if they've changed tries to merge them and marks the blocks as fuzzy if the source has changed.

Now you should have a new file under the po directory:

i18n (git)-[python-novice-gapminder]$ po4gitbook/
i18n (git)-[python-novice-gapminder]$ ls po

That pot file is the template that we will use to break it up into chunks first and then send these to transifex.

i18n (git)-[python-novice-gapminder]$ python helpers/ po/python-novice-gapminder.pot
i18n (git)-[python-novice-gapminder]$ ls transifex/python-novice-gapminder/pot        

Then we need to create the target language directory we want (e.g., es for Spanish), and let Transifex's command line tool (tx) to prepare the files

i18n (git)-[python-novice-gapminder]$ mkdir -p transifex/python-novice-gapminder/es
i18n (git)-[python-novice-gapminder]$ cd transifex/python-novice-gapminder
python-novice-gapminder (git)-[python-novice-gapminder]$ cd transifex/python-novice-gapminder
python-novice-gapminder (git)-[python-novice-gapminder]$ tx config mapping-bulk -p python-novice-gapminder --source-language en --type PO -f '.pot' \
                --source-file-dir pot --expression "<lang>/{filename}.po" --execute

The last command generates a config file under a hidden .tx directory. We need then to add the project in Transifex where we need to input a name (same as the lesson), select that's a public project, add the url of the project, select that's a file-based project, assign it to the carpentries-translation team and select the target languages (by default it adds all that we've used before).

Sample of how to fill up Transifex form.

Once the project is created in transifex we can push the project using tx:

python-novice-gapminder (git)-[python-novice-gapminder]$  tx push -s --parallel

Once the upload has been completed, you should see the resources available in the project page in Transifex (e.g., python-novice-gapminder)

Finally, add the <lesson>.pot file to the repository and push it to GH for review and merge with master.


Some times (e.g., po4gitbook#6) you may encounter that something fails in the process. If you encounter a similar problem, please add it as an issue to the right repository. If you don't know which one is the correct one, then add it to i18n.

Bring the translations to the rendered page


add details about how to bring the translated strings.